Tuesday 31 January 2012

September's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year...

The Last September are such a nice group of people we will forgive you for maybe overlooking them because they don’t use stupid, irritating gimmicks to get facebook ‘likes’. That, however is all we will allow you to get away with. So if you haven’t already and don’t have the 'being annoyed at shite promo campaigns' excuse then WHY ARE YOU NOT LISTENING TO THEM!?

The Last September are an excellent collective of musicians whose music sort of bridges the gap between bits of the Doves, Keane and Mercury Rev. (Yes, Keane do have good bits we’re not ashamed to admit it, unlike you at the back there cowering under your NME subscription hairspray ya plank). Where there is such a clear mix of musical influences and indeed instrumentation there is always the possibility that the music produced will sound either ridiculous or complete rubbish. Thankfully the partnership of Pete Deane’s lyrics and clever instrumentation mean none of these outcomes have arisen, thank god. The band has a long history, having returned in 2010 from a five year hiatus they essentially re-started the music making process with fantastic results. The main bulk of which was 2011’s release As the Crow Flies which you can get your ears round HERE. And this is where you can also purchase it if you like listening to music via something called a stereo.

On top of sounding good, they are a band who appears to actually CARE about the artwork which adorns their musical output. Now, for people who think THIS is good artwork it’s time to close the browser page and get back to loitering on street corners. 

Avert your eyes if you will, to exhibit A:

Nice to look at, lets the owner make up their own mind as to what the story may be behind it. Well done The Last September.

Exhibit B:


So far, so good. Even better, their new single This City is out 5 March as a free download. This particular release will coincide with some live dates which we strongly suggest you go and watch – they gave you the single free after all, only fair... Plus This City is accompanied by a video featuring the scenes of our beloved Edinburgh; gold stars all round.

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